Apron or Towel
Swedish Weaving Patterns ~ Either one of these items would be a great wedding or housewarming gift. The apron has instructions not only for the weaving pattern but for sewing.


Charts for Patterns
PDF File Download
This file is 3 pages. I’ve made the instruction and chart pages a larger size, much easier to read.
These patterns come from a 1960 Coats & Clark’s Book No. 119 titled Embroidery. It includes several iron-on heat transfers. Most of the Coats & Clark’s booklets are for crochet, but this one has some very nice transfers and instructions in it.

More Posts on Swedish Weaving
Find all the posts by searching for “Swedish Weaving” in the search box to the top right. I’ve done quite a few posts on Swedish or Huck weaving. Here are a couple:
This one also includes a towel and apron: Swedish Weaving Patterns
Here’s some Huck Weaving instructions and more patterns: Swedish Embroidery Huck Weaving Instructions and Patterns
And this one: How to do Swedish (Huck) Weaving
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