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A Rose for Mom
Rose Embroidery Pattern ~ This is the perfect rose for Mom. It won’t wilt and it’s petals won’t turn brown. It’s a vintage rose embroidery pattern from the Coats and Clark’s Book No. 119 titled Embroidery.
A photo of the finished rose is below. It’s only in black and white, so you’ll need to go by the Key for the floss colors.
Pattern to Trace
The booklet comes with transfers but because I have scanned the rose pattern, you’ll have to save it, print it and trace it onto your fabric.

The above image is a .jpg. If you save it to your computer you’ll be able to resize it in photo editing software. Unlike the PDF file below, where the size cannot be changed.
Key for Stitches and Colors
Remember the key for stitches and colors is always up for interpretation, your interpretation, so you can choose whatever colors or stitches you’d like. Making it your own version of a rose.

You’ll find a vintage chart of Coats and Clark’s ONT Six Strand Floss on this blog post — Crewel Embroidered Bird of Paradise Pattern. Using the chart you’ll have a better idea of the colors required for the rose.
Here’s a close up sample of the colors on the vintage chart. I’ve circled the numbers used in the color key above.
Besides the thread you’ll need a size No. 7 embroidery needle. Also in the directions is that 3 strands of embroidery thread are used throughout.
Here’s a How to for the Stitches
In addition to the pattern, an easy to follow diagram of stitches is included with the booklet.
Embroidery Hints
As well as some embroidery hints about threads, needles, scissors, beginning and finishing, pressing and frames.
PDF File Download
Download Instructions: You can use the Download button above or Right-Click the link and select either “save target as” or “save link as” depending your browser. Also, you can click on it, it will open in another window and there you can save or print it.
Link for Free Patterns
You’ll find some free rose patterns on the French Knots website. Over 18 to choose from. There is a full page sample of the free rose hand embroidery patterns.
The image below is a sample of them. This is just half the page, there are 10 more.

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