Need a quick gift. With this fancy antique alphabet you’ll have a gift in no time. You could use them for embroidery or other crafting. Just print, trace and decorate a hand towel, tote, T-shirt or any number of items to give as gifts.
Young embroiderers used the alphabets to practice their stitches and went on to use them to create samplers, quilts and other household items.
This is the A and the rest of the alphabet is just as pretty. I believe this page was pulled from one of my Peterson’s Ladies Magazines. It’s certainly over 100 years old.
I’ve cleaned up the page, but haven’t gone over the outline of the letters so there may be some gaps here and there that you’ll have to fill in when you trace them.
Basic Embroidery Stitches
You can find some diagrams of basic embroidery stitches in this earlier post of mine.
This will help you get started. Here’s the page of the fancy antique alphabet. Letters to trace for monogram embroidery and crafting:

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PDF File Download
If you’d like to save it for later in PDF format, the link is below:
Download Instructions: You can use the Download button above or Right-Click the link and select either “save target as” or “save link as” depending your browser. Also, you can click on it, it will open in another window and there you can save or print it.
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Were can I get this stencil,?
There is a link to download a PDF that includes the alphabet. From that you could create a stencil.