Sleeveless Sweater Filet Crochet Pattern with a rose motif.
First of All
First of all I wanted to mention, this week I had my Oncology doctor’s appointment. I am still cancer free and doing well. My next appointment isn’t until January next year, 2021! Very happy about that.
J&P Coats Crochet Books
The filet crochet pattern is from a 1921 J&P Coats Crochet Book No. 7.
I couldn’t find the Crochet Book No. 7 on the Antique Pattern Library site, but I did find Books No. 3 and No. 4. Both have some excellent filet crochet patterns in them as well.
J&P Coats Crochet Book No. 3 PDF
J&P Coats Crochet Book No. 4 PDF
Sleeveless Sweater
This sweet sleeveless sweater caught my attention. It would look pretty over a long sleeve blouse or shirt. The pattern is a matter of following the diagram and directions for rows.

Download Instructions: Right-Click on the image. Select either “save link as” or “save image as” depending on what browser you are using. Or simply click on it, it will open in a new window and save or print it from there.
The pattern uses J&P Coats Pearl Cotton No. 5. Here’s an illustration of the thread.
You can find out more about discontinued J&P Coats threads in the post How to Read Vintage Crochet Patterns and Discontinued Yarns.
Foundation Stitches and How to Make Them
The two pages below are a comprehensive look at stitches used in filet crochet from the book. The illustrations help as-well-as the Directions for Filet Crochet Work that includes a table for Size of Thread, No. Hook and No. of Meshes to the Inch. Shown below.

You’ll find the pages included in the 3 page PDF file too.
More good information is at the bottom of this page where it explains a New Method of Adding Meshes at Last End of Row.

This page gets into the nitty-gritty of Blocks (bl) and Spaces (sp).

Download Instructions: Right-Click on the image. Select either “save link as” or “save image as” depending on what browser you are using. Or simply click on it, it will open in a new window and save or print it from there.
PDF File Download Link
Download Instructions: You can use the Download button above or Right-Click the link and select either “save target as” or “save link as” depending your browser. Also, you can click on it, it will open in another window and there you can save or print it.
Other Filet Crochet Patterns
Here are links to a few other filet crochet patterns I’ve posted.
And several more. Just click on the Filet Crochet in Categories in the right hand sidebar.
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Lovely!! Debra I am SO pleased to hear you are free from that horrible disease- & free from the horrible medications! The medications/treatments are the worst.. When I was undergoing this in 2007 felt like a walking zombie, physically, that my body was no longer “alive”. The cytotoxic treatments were very scary to me, I did not like the creepy changes it does to the body at all.
I purchased a beautiful peignoir (sp?) with a filet crochet yoke yrs ago at a second hand charity store. It is beautiful and all sewn by hand. It must be old but looks and feels “brand new”. The stitching is tiny and perfect. I think it may be French based on the stitching.. you can kind of tell why, just how it’s done. I should upload photos of it to my flickr needlework album ( ) welcome to look at them if you want, lots of vtg needlework, handkerchiefs, textiles etc. but I have much more I need to upload..
9-11: My (then) husband & I were awake at 04:30 AM- living in Salt Lake CIty Utah at the time. We had stayed up all night to wait for the live broadcast aired on our Ku-band world satellite receiver of an international soccer game, I think it was Brazil playing that day. The phone rang, who’d be calling me at THIS hour? it was my sister asking me if I had the TV on- Yes- is it the news- NO- well turn it on- Why- just… turn it on she says. Oh my god.. ok, bye… I had asked her how she knew to be up and watching TV at that hour?? her husband, an engineer, was actually in NYC for business, he’d called her from there to tell her to turn on the TV and see what was going on. The entire country was glued to the TV since then, for days! I want to share with you my then husband is Moroccan, often mistaken by strangers for “Arabic” (fyi, never call a Moroccan an Arab. They take great offense to it. They are African, although Caucasian). Now- if you haven’t given up on mainstream media news already, just remember that the days after 9-11, the media ran with a video clip of Palestinians “celebrating”- which too long after was found to be these people celebrating a local political win and nothing to do with 9-11, but the news kept running that video with the tale they celebrated the towers falling. I am convinced no one celebrated that event, in any country. I had just been back from the Middle East myself just 3 months earlier on an extended visit. I not once encountered or heard of any hatred or “vengeance” toward any religion, color or creed by any of those people, not even in joking or in private conversations. It would have been considered very bad taste to make derogatory remarks on others’ race or religion, color or disability, as it is here – at least in any well-bred family. This is no propaganda, this is truth. Any race, creed, religion is capable of evil- evil exists in MANkind, and has since the beginning of time. It does not pick and choose who to spread its poison, evil is an “Equal Opportunity Employer”.
God bless- thank you Debra for sharing this wonderful things. It’s such a happy thing, these old patterns, aren’t they?
Hi Kristin,
Yes I was one happy camper at the doctor’s office. I don’t even want to think about what I’d do if I had to have chemo again. But the good news is I don’t and I’m cancer free. I looked at your Flickr account, very nice group of vintage linens and crafts. I don’t exactly remember when I started collecting these old patterns, but I sure have accumulated a lot and enjoy each and everyone of them! Can’t believe 9-11 was 19 years ago and that day is still a vivid memory. Thanks for sharing.