Memorial Day
Forget Me Not Crochet Tablecloth Pattern ~ I was thinking about Memorial Day coming up soon and yes it’s a 3-day weekend for many, but more than that it is a time of remembrance. And appropriately enough the Forget Me Not flower means remembrance.
It was originally known as Decoration Day and became an official holiday in 1971. It’s a solemn day of remembrance for everyone who has died serving in the American armed forces.
Traditionally, as well, it marks the beginning of the summer season.
Coats and Clark’s Book 193
This pretty Forget Me Not crochet tablecloth pattern comes from a 1969 Coats and Clark’s Book No. 193. The title is Priscilla Tablecloths and Bedspreads to Knit and Crochet. You can find a few on Amazon.

Meadowsweet A-780
Seven Seas A-781
Victoriana A-782
Lovely Lotus A-783
Morning Glory A-784
Mountain Daisy A-785
Loosestrife Leaves A-786
Forget-Me-Not A-787
Bunchberry A-788
Candytuft A-789
4 crochet tablecloths, 2 knit bedspreads, a linen tablecloth with knit edgings and insertions and 2 crochet bedspreads
Motif Close Up
The close up will give you a better idea of how exactly the motif is crocheted. Each motif measures 4 inches square. A small cloth is 64 inches square and a large cloth is 64 x 84 inches, both measurements exclude the border.
The tablecloth is made with J & P Coats “Knit-Cro-Sheen” crochet thread in a neutral color, such as white, ecru or cream. Knit-Cro-Sheen is a 100% Cotton Size 10 crochet thread that comes in a ball of 150 yards.
There are a couple crochet thread alternatives you can use. As usual, Aunt Lydia’s Classic 10, but also Red Heart’s Classic Crochet Thread has a little better reviews.
Crochet Pattern Instructions

Download Instructions: Right-Click on the image. Select either “save link as” or “save image as” depending on what browser you are using. Or simply click on it, it will open in a new window and save it from there.
You can save the images above or right below is a link to a one page PDF file of the photos and instructions.
PDF File Download
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