I’ve found some very old cross stitch charts of bunnies. These are from the late 1800s. They are part of the DMC Library, Point De Croix (Cross Stitch) Nouveaux Dessin (New Design) Series, edited by Thérèse de Dillmont (1846–1890).
Thérèse was an Austrian needleworker and writer. An important pioneer in the enterprise of hobby needlework in the late nineteenth century.
You’ll see her name abbreviated as TH. DE Dillmont on publications.
Since her name was such an asset to the DMC company, even after her death DMC continued to use her name on many of their published books.
Encyclopedia of Needlework is her most famous work and has been translated into 17 languages. My copy is pictured below. I bought it many years ago in an antique shop. Wouldn’t part with it. There have been many editions published since it first came out in 1886.
Mine doesn’t have a date and I haven’t researched to find out when it may have been published. It’s a small book, only 3½ x 5½ inches and quite thick with over 800 pages.

Where can I find this book?
The book can be downloaded for free from Project Gutenburg, a website that offers over 50,000 free ebooks, most in the public domain that have been digitized by volunteers.
If you’d like a hardcover copy of her book, Amazon has several from third-party sellers, some do look like the 1950s edition.
You’ll find many similar to mine for sale on Ebay as well. The prices are all over the place. From $12.75 to $100.00. I paid $25 for mine and it’s in pretty good shape.
Bunny Cross Stitch Patterns
Here are the cross stitch patterns. They’re in color and look like a lot of fun.
To save these cute designs, simply click on them. They’ll open in a new window and there you can use the right click menu to “save image as” or print using your computer’s options. You can also use the green print friendly button at the bottom of this post.
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This book is INDESPENSIBLE! I bought a new publication 25 years ago & it’s my ‘go to first’ resource of choice. I saved my son’s beloved vintage wool pea coat from a 3-corner tear 1.5″ both ways because I own THIS book. The chapter on mending alone is worth the price of the entire book!
I agree, it’s a great resource.