Round Rug Knitting Pattern with Aunt Lydia’s Heavy Rug Yarn

Round Rug

I share a lot of vintage crochet patterns. There seems to be an abundance of those, but today I’m sharing a knitted round rug pattern that uses Aunt Lydia’s Heavy Rug yarn.

It has a style that looks like a sunburst or an orange slice. Try an orange, yellow or green heavy rug yarn for a bright accent to your home.

Knitted Round Rug Pattern - Vintage Crafts and More

The rug is 28 inches in diameter and uses 10 skeins of Black and Silver Rug Yarn and 2 skeins of Blue or the color of your choice. The knitting needles are size No. 7.

This rug would make a great gift. The pattern is from an American Thread Co Star Book called Gifts.  It would also be a pretty addition to your own home.

Knitted Round Rug Pattern Instructions - Vintage Crafts and More

PDF pattern for the rug to print or save for later:

Knitted Round Rug Pattern

The pattern is in PDF format so to download it you’ll need the Adobe Reader software on your computer. Most computers come with it, but it is free and can be found here.

Download Instructions: Right-Click the link and select either “save target as” or “save link as” depending on what browser you are using or simply click on it and save or print.

For other patterns using Heavy Rug Yarn, type “Aunt Lydia” into the Search for Vintage Patterns box on the right.

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  1. Margaret J. MacDonald says:

    I don’t know IF I’m in the right area BUT I am looking for Aunt Lydia rug yarn skeins to finish a project I started years ago. Can someone help me? I would be ever so grateful !! THANK YOU in advance !!

    • Debra says:

      I hope I can help. It’s a problem trying to find yarn required for a vintage project that may no longer be made or available.

      I did find an ebay seller, cleggleston Rug Yarn and More, that has an incredible amount of vintage Aunt Lydia’s Rug Yarn. You can even buy more than one skein of yarn in many colors. The coordinating color numbers are listed with the skeins too.

      Halcyon Yarn in Maine has a Rug Wool Yarn. They carry nearly 100 colors. There is a long description of the yarn on their website, but here are a few sentences from it:

      “Our rug yarn stands the test of time: Halcyon Yarn Signature Classic Rug Wool is a sturdy, beautiful and versatile wool rug yarn. Halcyon Yarn’s exclusive 3-ply wool rug yarn is custom spun and dyed in the finest spinning mills and dye houses in America. The durable wool fiber is perfect for creating beautiful and stylish wool rugs and tapestries.”

      It’s a bit expensive, but looks like it would work. Halcyon also has a pretty extensive website with books, patterns, classes and more.

      Hope this helps. Thank you for the question.

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