Happy New Year!!
Back to it. I took a couple of weeks off and am ready to bring you more great vintage craft patterns this year.
Looking at the stats on my blog, I realized I am close to 400 posts. I really need to put my thinking cap on and decide how I would like to move forward.
I still need to update and check links in old posts. Plus I’d like to make it a little easier to navigate and find a post you’re looking for.
Also, I think it may be time to consolidate some of the posts in a PDF eBook. Again with the goal of making it easier to find patterns.
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave me comment. I’m good at taking constructive criticism and know you have ideas I’ve never thought of.
So that’s what I’ve been thinking about concerning this blog in the new year. Of course, I have other personal goals I’m thinking about too.
And you may be able to relate to this, when I set goals I try not to overwhelm myself, because I end up chucking the whole bunch of them.
I always have to take care that my life is good just the way it is, but it could use a tweak here and there. But for the most part, if I didn’t do another thing on my list, it’s all good!
Onto the pattern, a crocheted stole with cuff and pocket.
Crocheted Stole
I’ve noticed on sites like Pinterest, that this type of stole is very popular right now. Several modern bloggers have their own take on a crocheted stole with pockets.
So I did a little digging and found this vintage crochet pattern for one. It’s from a single leaflet put out my Kentucky Yarns.
I’ve done another pattern from Kentucky Yarn, a Super Easy Vintage Shrug Knitting Pattern. You’ll find info about the vintage yarn on this page about discontinued yarns.
This crocheted stole is 17 x 79 inches. Uses Kentucky All Purpose Yarn and a No. 00 Crochet Hook.
To make it longer or shorter you can increase or decrease in Lacy Stitch.
Kentucky All-Purpose is a “medium weight “fashion” yarn, vibrant with color! Provides a lustrous background for stitch and design detail.”

PDF Pattern Link
If you’d like to save or print out this pattern as a PDF, the link is below.
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Margaret I’m not sure if this is it- but I did a search & found this on DROPS design https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=6118&cid=17 Henny Penny chicken bread basket
BUT- I am almost certain this is what you are looking for: “Vintage Macrame Booklet ~ MACRAME FOR HOME DECOR II 1978” is the title, and it is an eBay site, so you have to click fast before it’s gone- take a look at the photo of a scan of the “chicken bread basket” see if it’s yours: https://www.ebay.com/itm/401588118786 Good luck! (sorry for loading up your comments board Debra! 🙂
No problem, love comments. That chicken is adorable. DROPS has lots of great patterns.
Thank you Debra! I’ll check old Peterson’s mags on Archive.org (they might have some, not sure) but if you find any specific to hankies, that would be lovely!!!
To Margaret- the magazine you refer to, could it have been The Workbasket magazine? I just ordered a big batch of them off an online site, I’ll try to remember to look for the “chicken basket”- if it exists there. You may have very good luck joining KnittingParadise.com and asking on the forum – (that place is a gold mine for old patterns!!) the site isn’t just knitting, but crochet and other crafts too- it’s worldwide with many senior people on it who may even remember the pattern. Doesn’t hurt to ask them!
thank you Debra
Yep, found some. They’ll be in my post tomorrow. Thanks for checking on that chicken basket.
Thank you Debra, I do have a question & a request 🙂 What vintage booklets or instructions are there for handkerchief embroidery? I am talking about stuff like this: https://flic.kr/p/21GihYJ and https://flic.kr/p/DCcnbS (I should re-take those photos, as there is no reference to size- those hankies are small. The “rose” hankie uses cross stitching, stitches ONE thread across) There are plenty of free embroidery patterns available online, but I don’t see anything specifically for handkerchief. Did women just do it by heart? I have never found instructions for applique embroidery of this type either: https://flic.kr/p/21GihYJ
Thank you Debra & appreciate the stole pattern as well. I am a fan of vintage needlework of all types.
Hi Kristin, Thanks. I know the perfect place to look. My antique Peterson’s magazines always have embroidery patterns specifically for corners of hankies. I love to go through my books for embroidery patterns and will do that for next Friday’s post. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to find some. And yes I think a lot of the women did it by heart or as they were taught. Embroidery and such used to be taught at home and in schools but unfortunately, nowadays we’ve gotten away from that. 🙁
Since you do old patterns I’ve been looking for a pattern from a 1978to 1983 a craft book not just crochet a fall/ winter version one of the books that came out 4 times a year the pattern was called chicken bread basket it fit over a basket when done the wings lifted up to reveal openings to get the rolls or cookies out.the tail was done in a ripple crochet lost the book years ago havent seen the pattern since I remember on the opposite page was a turkey made of cloth would love to see that chicken pattern again.when I made them as gifts they were a big hit in the 70s.hope you can help.thanks.
That sounds really interesting. I’ve done a couple crocheted bread basket patterns, but none that resemble a chicken. Since the time frame is 1978 to 1983, the pattern would still be in copyright, not public domain, so I wouldn’t be able to post it if I found it. But if I or someone that reads your comment knows where to find it, they could give you the info on the publication and you can probably find one on Ebay or Etsy. I’ll keep an eye out. Anyone know where you might find this pattern? Thanks.