Here in America we are celebrating Independence Day, July 4th. Many will be enjoying the fireworks displays this evening. (Keep an eye on your pets, they can be frightened by the sounds)
To go along with that theme, I’ve found a vintage crochet pattern for red, white and blue star coasters.
Of course, the stars can be made with any color yarn and would be lovely in red, white and green or silver, white and gold for Christmas time.
This crochet pattern is from the same 1940’s booklet as the Emblem Potholders I shared in the post Crochet Patterns and Charts for National Emblem Potholders.
These require Enterprise Yarn which is discontinued, so an alternative may be Lily’s Sugar n’ Cream or Aunt Lydia’s Fashion crochet cotton in #3. One ball of white should make 8 coasters and about 20 yards each of Red and Blue for the trim.
Here is the pattern instructions. You can click on them and they will open in new window, then you can save or print them or the PDF file link is below.

The pattern is in PDF format so to download it you’ll need the Adobe Reader software on your computer. Most computers come with it, but it is free and can be found here.
Download Instructions: Right-Click the link and select either “save target as” or “save link as” depending on what browser you are using or simply click on it and save or print.